Wednesday, December 2, 2009

♦Are I.T Workers are Professional?Yes or No?Why?♦

♠Are IT Workers are Professional?Yes or No?and why?♠
What a interesting question. As I consider my self as an I.T student, Yes. I can say that all IT workers are professional because they're trained perfectly and diligently. They have a technical knowledge, they had already demonstrated their technical skills. They considered as a professional worker because without I.T students there's no technology. They have the potential or skill to make a program/machine that can help in our daily needs. I can say that without I.T student there's no technology.


  1. thats right.. IT in the world is very few.

  2. wow..thats true..IT workers are professionals..

  3. ....yez, thatz true we consider ourselves as a professional because we are taking a 4 year course..

  4. Just a comment IT STUDENTS can enhance the technology in IT world, but I agree that IT is professional and maybe in the near future you will rule in this field....

  5. ♀♀_aLL I caN sAy abOuT u'r coMmeNt is,

    u saId that iF thEre is no IT student/IT workers
    theRE iS no TechnolOgy,I thnk ur wRong beco'Z
    hoW aboUt the Scientist thEy can also Make TechnoloGy through their studiEs!!!♪►
