Wednesday, November 18, 2009

1st assignment in IT

Is this the right time for marriage?
I am wondering if i will get marry early. Some of my sister had already married, i haven't seen any problem nor argue. Marriage is not only a commitment, but a covenant to our Lord Jesus Christ. It is a promise to remain with that other person for the whole life, no matter if many problem will come you must sacrifice, because sacrificing brings forth blessing. You must know your future wife before entering sacred thing. Gather all her/his attitudes, character and background of his family. Make sure that you are ready to fight all risks. There's one thing to become a good wife or husband, you must center your life to our Lord Jesus Christ and Pray always.


  1. You are to young to get married =)
    Nice choice of topic but it's better if you elaborate it....

  2. _____ Pag sure dra stYle mong Yan mag-aasWa?...Hahaha joke lang....
    tma Yn dapt Mong KIlalaNin ang aasaWaHiN mong Tao.....jejeje
    Tke care.....

  3. _____gud day!!! nice blog...gudluck......
